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Software Engineer

Eslint + Prettier running on lint-staged files with Husky hooks
I know there are tons of blog posts out there showing you how to set up the nice tools of Eslint and Prettier and a lot of posts about using a Git commit hook (we’ll use Husky in this case) with git stage level linting but I never found that golden… >>
November 06, 2022
Sorting and validating string dates in Javascript
Dates We have to handle dates as strings every day. The HTTP protocol doesn’t have any idea of a type, so we generally convey data in a json format and use strings for dates (it’s also recommended that we keep dates in ISO 8601 format: https://en… >>
April 17, 2022
Handling query parameters in Javascript
Recently I found out that there’s a really neat way of dealing with query parameters in Javascript. After getting confused by lots of legacy code trying to string manipulate their way to obtain some simple values from a URL, this simple api really… >>
January 28, 2022
You don't need classes!
TL:DR I'm going to make a bold claim right away and tell you that you don't need classes to be a better programmer! Most of us programmers could just get away with using dynamic typed maps and arrays and compute what we need to compute. This way of… >>
October 10, 2021
Clojure Functions - Part 1
First Class Citizens Since I already made the notion of parentheses in Clojure clear here:, today I'd like to talk about functions which are the backbone of any programming language out there and they… >>
November 08, 2020
Beş Yılın Muhasebesi
Nedir Beş seneyi biraz aşkın süredir yurtdışında yaşıyoruz. Maceraya önce Dublin'de başladım, daha sonra o zaman kız arkadaşım olan eşimle aynı şehirde yaşamak için bir buçuk sene sonra Londra'ya yerleştim. Üç buçuk senedir de Londra'dayız ve şehre… >>
September 29, 2020
Clojure Parentheses Explained
Hard to read! Really? So lets dive in: People would look at the above function invocation and claim that it is abnormal. Let's see if that's the case. Parentheses in Clojure are used to call things. But what are these things? Without going into… >>
July 27, 2020
“Kodlama” eğitimleri dertlerimize çare olur mu?
Geçen aylarda Twitter’da BMO’nun kodlama eğitimleri üzerine yaptığı açıklamaya dair hararetli tartışmalar yapıldı: Pek kimsenin varlığından haberdar… >>
May 21, 2020
(Mostly) Recent interesting software crashes (not the exhaustive list)
Software industry really is one interesting place to work in. Especially for the last five to ten years; a lot has been happening around software and most of them are really good things like driver-less cars, automatic drones that deliver, face… >>
May 17, 2020
İki Tip Fikir Üzerine
Herkese merhaba, Kısa süre önce felaket bir on yılı geride bırakarak yeni yıla girdik. Ümitli başlayan 2010'lar pek yüzümüzü güldürmeden hızla aktı geçti. Neredeyse dünyanın sorunsuz hiç bir ülkesi kalmadığı gibi, varolan tüm sorunlarımız… >>
January 21, 2020
Saçmalık İşler!
Genellikle okuduğum kitaplarla ilgili yorumlarımı Goodreads’te paylaşır geçerim ama geçenlerde okuduğum Bullshit Jobs: A Theory kitabıyla ilgili buraya da bir şeyler yazmak istedim. Goodreads’teki incelememe buradan erişebilirsiniz: https://www… >>
September 23, 2019